Comment 14445

Parent Comment

Sep 22, 2005, 3:15:30 AM UTC | Total Edits: 1 | Last edited on Sep 22, 2005 by Humority
I love the sense of space in this work. You must have done some information gathering and lots of sketches ne? I love the softness of the BG and the light that's falling down. I love the details. Also your composition is very dynamic. It's a very beautiful picture.Smile I think I'm gonna Favorite

Comment ID 14445

[Art] Hawaiian Coral Reef
Sep 23, 2005, 10:30:45 AM UTC on [Art] Hawaiian Coral Reef
Oh yeah. I had to do a ton of reference. I had to have photographs for each species. I did over a hundred initial thumbnail sketches for the composition and did several more large sketches.

Thank you for all of your comments and your +fav. Big Smile


  • Sep 24, 2005, 8:00:24 AM UTC
    Oh, you're welcome, you deserve it. Smile
    That probably was tons of work. Reminds me of how I was painting a pic about an ethnic festival in my town I also did lots of sketches, well maybe not as much as you, I also recorded it on video and drew sketches at home. Hmm..what is the pic size in centimeners? I'm not used to the whole inch system?