Comment 141655

Comment ID 141655

[Art] This Is How Research Happens (By Antagonizing Wildlife As Your Friend Takes Notes)
Tib, buddy - it looks like you've got a little something on your adorable radioactive face... Pinnley's adorable face also watching very intently, though it's hard to say if he's really studying the bugs or Tib's reaction to the bug XD

I find it amazing how you can nail aesthetic glowy-ness and hilarious shenanigans in the same scene!


  • Mar 19, 2023, 5:14:48 AM UTC
    Oh I'm sure Tib'll sort that out... Eventually hahaa
    Pinnley is obtaining data on the entire event, will it all be helpful? Who Knows, but this is very important science happening!

    Gosh thank you so very much!!!