Comment 140329

Comment ID 140329

[Art] OCL Round 1: Attack of the Triangles
Feb 14, 2023, 7:43:18 PM UTC on [Art] OCL Round 1: Attack of the Triangles
I... I LOVE how unhinged Tib looks! Gosh, dang... And so much movement. You really did yourself a favor by making a whole page as opposed to a single illustration, because this is (as my fellow kids would say /s) da bomb!


  • Feb 15, 2023, 1:00:59 AM UTC
    Gosh thank you so much!! I definitely chose doing a comic because I really wanted to portray things that would not have been possible for me to do in a single image too haha
    • Feb 15, 2023, 2:29:15 AM UTC
      I love comics, but I've never been good at making them both legible _and_ dynamic. Something I still need to work on!

      Might I add I also love the book flair? That was also a great choice X3
      • Feb 15, 2023, 4:11:36 AM UTC
        Oh that's so fair, comics are really hard to make and I definitely struggle so much with it myself haha, won't stop me from trying anyway though!

        Gosh thank you!!