Comment 139046

Comment ID 139046

[Art] Corda training for the OCL
Jan 25, 2023, 9:15:37 PM UTC on [Art] Corda training for the OCL
Keep it cool, Corda! You got ice in your veins!


  • Jan 26, 2023, 1:59:06 PM UTC
    yes he does Smile but figure this maybe tougher for him, fire strong against water type so he has to focus to keep it at an level where he not freezing the magma to rock but also so he does not burn up Smile I think it was an good training exercise for him Big Smile
    • Jan 26, 2023, 5:09:44 PM UTC
      An excellent exercise! Given how many fire users have been registered so far, it'll be a useful resistance to have maybe!