Comment 137545

Comment ID 137545

[Art] Aurolin in Pavia
Jan 3, 2023, 9:36:19 PM UTC on [Art] Aurolin in Pavia
So good to see more of Aurolin! I love the way you shade her purple skin (sorry if that sounds creepy ^^; ), especially the warmer highlights and details on her hands! Star
The textures and colours on the spires contrast beautifully with the slightly muted colours of the sky too :0
I'll have to take another whack at drawing her sometime! Heart


  • Jan 3, 2023, 10:05:10 PM UTC
    That doesn't sound creepy! She is really tough to draw sometimes, but I love her design. I need to get more of her in my gallery. Smile

    Thank you so much for always being so encouraging! <3