Comment 131717

Comment ID 131717

[Art] Alex Daniels
Sep 21, 2022, 10:53:02 PM UTC on [Art] Alex Daniels
Your shading is exquisite as always Arki <3
I love his face too, so expressive and telling of his personality xD
The fiery background is lovely too, was it done with one brush? :O


  • Sep 21, 2022, 11:07:41 PM UTC
    Hahah, yeah XD Procreate comes with a brush called fire that does 1 swipe fire tendrils, but there's an art to using the brush well so it needs a bit of fineese and other textures to support it.

    And thank you- I referenced my own face for it so I could nail the puff. It was way harder than I thought it'd be XD Alex puffs his floppy hair a lot when he's bored XD Heheh <3