Comment 131274

Comment ID 131274

[Art] Joseph Ducreux styles
Sep 15, 2022, 12:00:48 AM UTC on [Art] Joseph Ducreux styles
Amazing. Bryan is ready to be a meme now.


  • Sep 15, 2022, 10:41:58 PM UTC
    Yes- it's funny cause Bryan's English is this meme's level of crazy to read XD He doesn't actually know English- he has a talisman in the story that translates Phauroran, but not all the words translate 1:1 XD It's funny cause everyone else bothered to learn english so they're fine. It's just mr stoic and unemotional Bryan calling people enlarged anal glands cause the translator couldn't figure out his weird ass future slang XD
    • Sep 16, 2022, 6:41:09 PM UTC
      This sounds amazing and I want to see more of it
      • Sep 17, 2022, 4:14:39 AM UTC
        Of Bryan failing at English? I could try that at some point XD it’s not meant to be something that comes up a lot, but I could do something XD it’d be funny