Comment 125634

Comment ID 125634

[Art] Study
Apr 26, 2022, 8:10:00 PM UTC on [Art] Study
What an interesting bedroom! Do they live in a forest house? Also cute pictures on the wall on the background.


  • Apr 27, 2022, 8:52:08 PM UTC
    Thank you very much!!

    They live in a World Tree, a gigantic tree that was turned into a large city! This room in particular belongs to Riddle, and he lived in Central Undercity, which is mostly shrouded in darkness so it has a lot of mushrooms :3 !

    Rhyme doesn’t actually have a room, his people who live in the Canopy don’t tend to have possessions of any kind, which includes personal homes, but he would visit Riddle a lot before they eventually moved in together!
    • Apr 29, 2022, 1:54:22 PM UTC
      I see you thought through not only the characters themselves, but also the world they live in. That always makes things more interesting! Smile
      • Apr 30, 2022, 2:35:58 AM UTC
        Yeah! My girlfriend and I have a lot developed for these characters and their world (Riddle belongs to my girlfriend)