Comment 110440

Comment ID 110440

[Art] Pride love
Jul 11, 2021, 1:54:35 AM UTC on [Art] Pride love
My OTP. 💝 This is magnificent!!


  • Jul 14, 2021, 2:50:54 AM UTC
    Thank you TuT I really love these two together TuT In the RP on Monday, Silvyr finally proposed to him so the two of them are engaged now TuT He even has their parent's "blessings" (as much as two fathers can give when they want their sons to be straight >.> ) to get married. There's a big noble's ball to go to soon in the game where we're going to meet the rest of the great houses, and I don't think it's common knowledge yet that Silvyr Rose is Mordel Mandravious. That's going to be some big drama, and Silvyr's parents are going to be at the ball. Everyone is plotting to kill Silvyr's mother, including his father, and she has no idea of any of it cause she's head deep in with the big bad villain of the campaign. So much drama XD
    • Jul 14, 2021, 5:45:42 PM UTC
      You're very welcome! 💝 And that's so exciting!! Congratulations to Silvyr and Phoenix then!! =^.^= 💝💝💝 Oh dear about the drama. Where do you RP btw? Just curious.
      • Jul 15, 2021, 2:23:20 AM UTC
        Oh- I roleplay at my friend's house. I use to be part of a club at the local university, and got all my friends into it. MY friend's husband started up a Star Wars campaign with a homebrew system that was based on Fate, and I joined in after my previous GM TPKed my spycraft team and I was left without a game. I played Argon Freeman, the son of the guy that made all the space ships in that universe, and I was a mad scientist. It was really fun, but the club had major issues with a stable location, so we RPed at their house since everyone lived close. Then my friend became pregnant and it sorta stuck XD There's a podcast of it but honestly, that Silvyr is pretty different to the Silvyr in my comic so I donno if it's worth listening- It's the "Curse of the Crimson throne" podcasts. It's over 100 episodes and we're still going so up to you XD (Although we are preparing for our big boss fight). Phoenix in that is Nakota- I wanted to change his name as I didn't realize at the time that Nakota was the name of a reservation. I didn't want to appropriate the name, but it was too difficult to change it in the campaign, so I've just left it. >.> If you're curious 1 or 2 episodes will give you an idea of how Silvyr started off- hideously selfish and chasing tail. It'd be quite a few years before he realized why he gave up everything for his best friend <3