Goro Brymwood Portrait

Posted Jun 6, 2023, 4:19:02 AM UTC

Character Name: Goro Brymwood
How old is your character? 506 (He's comparable to being in his mid-30's)
What species is your character? Fire Fruit (an original species~)
What is your character's hair color? Dried brown leaves
What is your character's eye color? Yellow


Character Biography

In his original home, Goro was a fruit given life by his father, Braeburn. A warm-hearted old tree, posessed of a literal warmth from the fire that burned inside him. Braeburn blessed his son with that same fire, granting him the means to see the world where he could never go, or walk where he could never move.


But he grew paranoid of ever venturing as far as he truly could. In the many years since he'd been born, Goro had explored maNy worlds alongside his adoptive daughter, younger brother, and countless others he could now call his family- but these trips were far from intentional. After all the adventures he'd been through, staying h o m e was the only adventure he wanted.


But after a strange portal went appearing to him unlike any he and his child had been to before, his curiosity was hesitantly piqued, and his brother's even moreso. It took some egging, but he supposed exploring it for a little bit couldn't hurt-



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  • Winter Star Reunion
  • Kito Brymwood Refsheet
  • An Aurora's Attraction
  • Goro's Latent Horror
  • Goro's Talisman
  • Goro Brymwood Refsheet


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