Felix Bust

Posted May 15, 2023, 6:43:20 AM UTC

Name: Felix Fern

Age: 21

Species: Fairy

Hair Color: Pink

Eye Color: Green


Short Biography: Felix was born in a rather small town where everyone knew everyone and nothing ever happened. He led an uneventful life as his parents only child, missing out on things that other kids got to do such as the dances or sports or any other activities that meant finding more friends than the ones that rarely spent time with him. His parents were rather over protective of him, afraid that something would happen to their only child. Felix felt trapped and he was desperate for a way out. For something other than the life he was leading, pretending he was exactly who his parents wanted and expected him to be. He wanted to find out who he was.

As soon as he turned eighteen, Felix took his things without telling his parents and boarded a train with a one way ticket. It was not until he reached his destination that he told them where he had gone. While they begged for him to come home especially when they heard it was the big city of Willows Grove, Felix refused to come home. He struggled at first but would soon start to find things he liked and new friends in this new place. The young Fae would find a job at a local bakery with an older gentleman and his son. He was finally feeling happier in his life but he still felt that something was missing. He hopes to figure out what it is one day but for now, he is content where he is.

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