Faster Than He Expected!

Posted Apr 6, 2023, 11:28:59 PM UTC

Our good doctor is not one for the races, if he were to be completely honest.  He never saw much point in them.  Why bother spending so much fuel for something so impractical?

While in the air city however, such views are unheard of.  This race in particular was a pilot short, but the show had to go on, and Bertrand?  Let's say he was in the right place at the right time, though it wasn't his right time at all.  

So here he is after being pushed into the race, and for the first time in a long time he might actually be doubting his abilities...!


(For Prompt #2 of Avangard: The Races.  Never a day goes by when there aren’t a plethora of airship races scheduled. The ships scream across the sky at incredible speeds, boosted by magic and technology intertwined. Some of the more dangerous races take place in the clouds, down among the jagged rock formations of the uninhabitable earth below. Maybe you could try your hand and win a few gold coins? Depict your character participating in or watching a race. Your submission must include your character and racing ships.)

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