Pretty Rocks I Want To Put In My Mouth. Consume Rock.

Posted Apr 5, 2023, 7:02:53 AM UTC

These obsidian-looking stones are called gacc-E (pronounced as gotch-ee). In current day, they're considered relics of the past and are highly valuable, even broken ones still have a great deal of worth. While the present day people of Purrgatory's world have limited understanding of them, these advanced peices of technology are incredibly useful in many ways. 

Purrgatory has 7 of them; six mini models and a single standard model. However, one of the minis is damaged and can only run extremely simple functions, but this is fine and works perfectly for badge storage and a little pet simulator game. In her era, these were extremely common for people to have and were absolutely necessary for daily life. It was like phones and computers, which they share functions with as well, along with the ability to compress physical objects into data for storage inside the gacc-E. 

She doesn't need to have all of them, but it reminds her of the era that she lived in. It's a familiar comfort that she values greatly... and also she likes putting random things inside them. So what if she's got a monopoly on all these rare ancient relics, the people of the present don't know how to use them very well so it would be a waste to let them have any of hers! 

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Purrgatory PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd984
157 total points
7 approved points



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