[#55] Bomb

Posted Mar 1, 2023, 4:45:22 PM UTC

Finley finds himself upon the Cold Advent, Captain Dahn's ship that found itself in a lot of trouble. Running from aggressive and violent robots, he finds himself trapped within a room. With the AI of the constructs fluctuating, maintanance of the generators because corrupt. Trapped, Finley desperately tried to fix them, but his lack of mechanical knowledge lead to only one unfortunate result. As it began to tick down to its inevitable explosion, Finley managed to pull the door free and escape - barely. He felt the ship buckle from the explosion, and flames and smoke hiss from the miniscule gaps in the door. He was thankful that the ship had more than one generator - otherwise he'd be falling down to the planet's toxic surface...

Not a proper bit of writing, but I'm tiiiiired. Once again, being a patron of this site saving my ass! It doesn't show him dismantling the bomb, biut I hope it's decent enough regardless to count for the prompt! Either way, his attempt completely and utterly ended in failure!

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  • Mar 17, 2023, 12:34:01 PM UTC
    The 1 thing that jumps out to me in the picture right away are his eyes. The way you did them just brings your attention to them right away and really highlights that pure panic.

    Really dig the explosion effect! You can tell it is a big one and that the door only barely is able to keep that majority of the blast out.
    • Mar 18, 2023, 2:58:09 PM UTC
      I was originally going to leave them dark, but yeah, them being highlighted made it work so much better! Thankyou!! <3
  • Mar 2, 2023, 4:52:23 PM UTC
    Anev already commented on it below, but really like the effect of the explosion behind the door - you communicated what's happening really well, and the way it kinda provides a glowing outline to the panicking Finley is super pretty!
    • Mar 8, 2023, 9:07:59 PM UTC
      Thankyou! Its a piece I'm pretty happy with, despite its simplicity! <3
  • Mar 1, 2023, 8:16:30 PM UTC
    Rippp he did his best at least!! I absolutely love the pose and expression you drew him in here, you're So Good at drawing emotions, gosh!!
  • Mar 1, 2023, 5:52:42 PM UTC
    Love the light effects on this and the expression! A very impactful piece.
    • Mar 8, 2023, 9:11:43 PM UTC
      Aaaa thankyou! Your comments always make me smile - I apreciate it so much! <3
      • Mar 9, 2023, 4:41:47 AM UTC
        I'm really glad they do its why I leave them





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