Exploring the tunnels

Posted Feb 6, 2023, 5:03:59 PM UTC

Prompt #3 - Rootways You trace the energy drain to its source– somewhere down in the city below. The roads themselves feel rich with energy, and you discover that the power has sunk beneath the surface of the city down into the roots below. To your surprise, you discover intricate, recently grown tunnels of roots that stretch under the city in a complex labyrinth. Who has built them? Why? How are they taking the orb’s power? Draw or write about your character investigating the root tunnels below the city. Your piece must include your character and either the root tunnels or those responsible for them.

Soleil, Clara and Noah went into the root tunnels together, and they discover that the power has sunk beneath the surface of the city down into the roots below.

To their surprise, they discover intricate, recently grown tunnels of roots that stretch under the city in a complex labyrinth.

They don't know who built those tunnels.

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