Jobs Listing

Posted Jan 23, 2023, 10:56:25 AM UTC

#49 Does your character have a job besides adventuring? An old occupation they set down to go off on their journey? A career they wish they could have? Show your character at their job-- past, present, future, or dream.


I took a good moment to think about what each of them would do as a job, if not currently.

Abel, by all accounts, is royal and affluent. That was his job AND title before he left it all behind to travel.

Lawliette sneaks into town every so often after making enough stock of medicine for the folks of her little village. People don't really know her, but she drops off medication and instructions so people always have the bare minimum at least. Cold medicine, wraps, and disinfectants all go a long way.

Reyha I think will eventually settle into some care position for children. Either helping with an orphanage, a babysitting service, or something. Ultimately, once she's emotionally healed more, she would crave to be able to give back in some way, and she'd see a lot of her old family in the kids she'd work with.

Etch would have had dreams of helping her creator and father, and although he is long since gone, I think she would still have dreams of helping him with his experiments and work.

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