
Posted Nov 2, 2022, 11:15:22 AM UTC

Dragons-Breath. Some legends say it's hellfire rained upon sinners. Others believe it to be icy cold vapors that claims those in the deep mountains. In truth, it was made from the magic core of each Drgonkin, small, and a reflection of their heart. Though it might take some time to really understand that may mean.

In the mountains, above Littlewell, not too far a hike, lived such a dragonkin. One whose dwelling was full of red crystalline, like garnet. Some in large pieces than others, and they only got denser the deeper into the cavern one walked. Deep, dark in the heart of the cave, was the mother of all dragons-breath gems. Though one that couldn't be chipped even with all the tools in the world. Acting like a centeral column. Sturdy and yet beautiful.

Every so often, a strange trader woman would trek down the mountain and trade some particular specimen of Dragons-breath gems. For goods, of course. Then they'd leave again. 

Some swore they'd see fangs when she smiled, or as she left.


Honestly, Lawliette would use her earth element to help keep trade healthy with her neighboring town. the dragons-breath crystals she makes are like any precious gem, a little smoky and a pretty red. Like a condensed version of her breath and stones. It's better than breathing fire, if you asked her.

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Lawliette PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd440
38 total points
7 approved points



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