When Shikun is push too far...

Posted Sep 23, 2022, 3:06:03 PM UTC

Prompt #2 - The Convoys


It was another cargo ship hit, The pirate boarded and started to go to each room slaughting everyone, leave no witness. They just finish clearing out a room which had but one child and as they leave, an bouncy Shikun walk past them into the room with a plate of cookies. She stop as she see the child known as Joy dead, slowly kneeling down, setting the plate by the child. "...I got you walnuts oatmeal cookies, your favorite...enjoy them..." The pirate grimce and one turn to try to cut Shikun head off to end her misery. Despite the force of the swing, Shikun tough hide seem to resist it sinking in too deeply. Tsking at having to make a mess of things, the pirate fail to notice Shikun blood seep up the blade and seep into his flesh until he scream, his blood bursting into an frozen blast of blood. the next one quicky get hit too, leaving a lone pirate as he trip onto the floor, raising his blade at an raging Shikun in ice Armor as it start to snow red snowflake...


Some time later, the guard question Shikun...turn out the prirate will live but are horrible scar and with terrible frost bite, one even having to lose his right arm...He told her that she was lucky she did not killed them. Shikun smile and tell him she had not plan on killing them. The guard nodded and as he stand up, Shikun spoke again. "Joy deserve better company in the afterlife..."

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