Vincent the cat

Posted Dec 7, 2021, 1:05:12 PM UTC

Character Name: Vincent

Character Age: 20-24 years

Character Species: anthro cat

Hair color: honey

Eye color: honey

What was the place your character grew up like?

it was small town. Vincent was close to nature!

Did your character go to school?

yes, and he liked it! he found good friends in his school, and he wants to continue his studies later!

he escpecially liked the library~

Is your character rich, poor, or middle class?

his family wasn't very poor but there was many things that they can't afford, so Vincent learnt how to being happy on little

How does your character feel about traveling?

he enjoys little trips with friends but thoughts about travelling to other countries scary him a little! 

now Vincent ended school, entered college and moved to the big city!

likes: books, detective and sci-fi genres, cute and cozy things, SCIENCE, sushi, playing a guitar

dislikes: loud noises, bad smells, procrastinating, rude people

sorry for any mistakes!! Engish is not my native ;-;

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  • Dec 8, 2021, 6:55:36 AM UTC | Total Edits: 1 | Last edited on Dec 8, 2021 by Lupa
    Wow, Vincent looks awesome. I love kitties. I hope you have fun on PaperDemon!
    I noticed you wanted critique on this?
    I have a few tips that might help a bit.
    The linework on this is really good, and is a great basis for the picture. But i would suggest with the cloak/jacket that has the plaid pattern on it. A good way to enhance the picture would maybe be so that the plaid pattern itself lined up with the border of the cloth. Its very rare that you look at someone and the pattern on their clothes is perfectly straight up and down. Maybe warp the pattern with the fabric a bit.
    • Dec 9, 2021, 1:30:44 AM UTC
      thank you a lot! hope i'll draw him better next time because of your help :3



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  • Bedtime Routine
  • Vincent's guitar pick


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