swiss cheese - PDARPG Faedin Battle Challenge

Posted Nov 9, 2021, 6:50:10 PM UTC

2. Draw or write about your character wearing a halloween costume.


    The wyfex watched as a group of younglings passed her. Their miscellaneous costumes lit up a match inside her, that radiated a pleasant warmth into her body. If her face could've been able to show emotion, she would've smiled. Suddenly the lights of the street dimmed, as she was only able to see a glimpse of feathers - crimson red and black. Those colors alone told her who was behind this, but she did not have to stay in darkness for long. The white sheet her kukuri had carefully placed on her slid down, until her head peeked out of a hole on it. She inspected the sheet.

    "Well", she started. "Points on effort." There were two holes for eyes - which she did not even have - and one of them was way too big - so large that her head easily slid out of it. Arcus wouldn't be able to wear it. That is, not the way the kukuri had intended it.

    "I can't wear this", she said, and turned to Morakniv. The kukuri snorted as its muzzle bridge crinkled. It grabbed the sheet with its teeth, and pulled it forward to cover Arcus' head. Not surprisingly, it slid back down almost immediately. The wyfex spread her arms in a "I told you so" gesture. The kukuri's posture slumped in defeat.

219 words

Morakniv 10574

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