a bird's appetite - PDARPG Faedin Battle Challenge

Posted Nov 4, 2021, 9:33:52 PM UTC

12. Draw or write a piece with your character and mushrooms.


   The wyfex crouched. The sensors under her visible face screen wandered on a group of mushrooms she couldn't recognize. Not that she'd had a lot of time to scour through pages about mushrooms in the first place. Or, well, time to do anything "insignificant" at all, for that matter. Pale light trickled through leaves of the tree that shadowed them. Arcus stood up, crossing her arms on her chest. The flora of this place was... weird. She didn't know if it was in a good way, or in a bad way.

   Sudden movement awoke her from her thoughts, as her kukuri swooped into the scene. It ran between her and the tree, gobbling down as many mushroom caps as it could on the way. Arcus froze, but not from being surprised - not from the kukuri's sudden appearance. No, she was amazed at the stupidity of the creature, as she slowly turned her head. Morakniv munched on the fungi happily. Arcus didn't even want to know what would happen in a few minutes, or hours. She wasn't afraid for the kukuri's safety, even though somewhere on the back of her mind she felt like she should've been - its idiocy drowned out any worry she might've had.

   "Your appetite will kill you", she said with a sigh.

215 words

Morakniv 10574

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