Farron Portrait/Bio

Posted Oct 26, 2021, 6:27:24 AM UTC

Character Name: Farron Kage

Character Age: 28

Character Species: Anthro Lizard

Horn color: Pale

Eye color: Yellow

Farron grew up in a small town in the country-side, and with traders for parents he was lucky enough to have a basic education in literature and numeracy. However at the age of 14 his innate magic erupted in an uncontrolled explosion, destroying a small barn and almost killing someone in the process.

Fearing what might happen if he didn't get proper training his parents sent Farron away to the capital to enlist in the army for training in the magical arts. After completing his term of service Farron is now equipped with the skills to take on the world of adventuring if a bit less socially adept due to an adolescence spent in the army.

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  • Oct 26, 2021, 9:56:38 AM UTC
    Hey, cool character concept you've got here. Smile
    It looks like you still need to submit him to the queue for registration?
    • Oct 28, 2021, 1:42:36 AM UTC
      Ah thanks!! I missed that bit in the tutorial, should be on its way now Smile)



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