Su-Jin Mong

Posted Oct 9, 2020, 9:15:35 AM UTC
Name: Su-Jin Mong
Occupation: Namsak buin(Baroness)
Age: 120(34 in human form)
Species: Gumiho
Mother of  Min Mong
Appearance: In human form- Same colors of hair, skin, and eyes as Min. Only her hair is in bowl cut with tips out forward. A bi color dress with  pumps, the fox pearl in her ring, silver bracelet, and a a mink stole around her neck. In her Gumiho form-same as Ming, the colors of her hanbok are reverse with the gold leaves at the bottom.
Personality: Sinister, ruthless, cunning, determine, narcissistic, condescending, vile, and cruel. Willing to destroy anything and kill anyone to get what she wants. 
Likes: The hearts and livers of rich and powerful men, the finest of all luxuries, living the life of luxury, owning expensive items, and high quality entertainment.
Dislikes: Anyone lower than her, poor/common people, regular food, low brow comedies, anything cheap, and anyone beneath her getting a higher status and better life.
Strengths and  weaknesses are the same as Min.
Her main objective is to get her daughter to marry Cula so that they can rule both the human and nocturnal realm.
Choices of her voice: Samantha MOON, Barbara Goodson, and Luci Christian.

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