Ranu Character Sheet

Posted Jun 21, 2020, 12:51:33 PM UTC

Ranu is an adventurous guy. He usually works as a messenger, delivering anything from huge packages to only spoken messages.


Ranu is pretty relaxed about most things, used to just sit and let time pass in the saddle when his journeys lead him across vast empty fields or through endless forests.

He’s pretty fast and bendy bendy - what he lacks in strength he makes up for in speed.



Ranu's elemet is water. To be more specific he can turn water into some sort of watery wisps that are… not so smart. Not smart at all, really.
At first Ranu thought he had a magic mop though. Did take him a while to figure out that not the mop conjured the bubble wisps.So you may see him swinging a mop in battle for a while.



Spending most of his time traveling he has very few possessions, most just fit in a saddle pouch. He rather values good food and company.


His Camp

more Ranu examples

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