Ich sehe was

Posted Jan 29, 2012, 12:01:46 PM UTC

What's he looking at? A fly? A camera? A mirror? Whatever it is...

I had a hell of a time deciding what kind of background I wanted to use, but couldn't think of anything exciting, so it's just the plain old boring tiled floor.

Please excuse the atrocious quality; it looked okay on my HDTV, which I happened to be using as an external monitor. Turns out that wasn't exactly a good idea as it's flatter than my laptop screen, and the colors were too cold. Character is from the comic String Theory.

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  • May 8, 2012, 2:42:46 PM UTC
    This character looks cool! Also I like how you did the painting/colouring!
    Is it your character? Looks like some interesting personality, I'm curious if he has a story maybe...
    • May 8, 2012, 4:22:13 PM UTC
      Actually, he's Dr. Schtein from the String Theory webcomic: http://www.stringtheorycomic.com/

      Not my character, but I think he's cool anyways.