+Keeper Of The Sun+

Posted Jan 26, 2011, 9:31:16 AM UTC

“Tell me now Victor…” The voice paused and two giant black tipped ears emerged from the flame, his eyes covered in a veil of fire, “…Have you ever looked at the sun?” The Spirit’s low rumbling voice forced his darkening flames closer to Victor. He dropped his head to the ground, his neck splintered into a display of feathers and arched upwards. The cackling noises hidden in the woods around them died away as the flames began to turn black.

A bit from my story Timekeeper. Note: Victor is the main character.
Alas! I give to you, the Keeper of the Sun! aka Mischievous Sun Jackal!

Inspiration! I met (imagined) this character in Colorado when we traveled up into the mountains in our car. There was a blackened, dead forest all around us-it had been completely destroyed by a fire a few years back at the base of that mountain. We stopped to get out and enjoy the view when we reached the top, when a storm began to approach, blocking out the sun.
I will never forget the feelings in my chest, when thunder and lightning broke the sky. Such power! There is nothing like a storm in the mountains. It was enough to inspire me again in the writing field.

Mediums used HB, 2B 4B 6B pencils on a 14x17 sheet of drawing paper. (this picture is huge!)
Refs? Jackal, Fennec Fox and my lovely dog April, who is a Shetland Sheepdog. The symbol on his forehead is an ancient sun symbol of a Native American people called the Zia.
Time? This was my big summer project-anywhere between 20-25 hrs.
Music? Mainly Orchestral, because it helped me to imagine a storm.
Keeper of the Sun © to Amanda Klammer. Please DO NOT STEAL. Art thiefage is a BAD THING!

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  • Jan 29, 2011, 8:50:29 PM UTC
    Oooo, love the ears!
  • Jan 26, 2011, 7:12:45 PM UTC
    Personally I really like it. I wouldn't change much if anything. The white inside the ears makes that part look transparent, I'd add a lil gray to it. I think I'd make it all a little darker not much to make the white frame stand out a little more. But then that could just be the scan. I'm tempted to ask if I could add a little of my flair to it. NOT That it needs it but it inspired me.



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