NNG Once Upon A Time...

Posted Jan 27, 2010, 11:03:30 AM UTC

 Belated Birthday Gift for *Toshie-chan

Oeyo reading her kids [and Yoshiro] bedtime stories. Sometimes whenever she finishes reading them one story, they always beg her to read 'one more' to which Oeyo will just happily sigh and nod, while stating that the next story be the last one she'll read tonight.

Yes, for those who've noticed, she is pregnant with Kaguya at this time. I wanted to draw her in there but there was no room so I decided to make her preggers.

In case you're wondering what Oeyo's reading to them, she's reading Tale of Kaguya-Hime ^^ A mythological story.

Hope you like it Dahd ^^ And I will colour it eventually.

Yoshiro (c) Toshie-chan
Oeyo, Amichou, Tsuyomi, art (c) Me

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