Tallon - lineart

Posted Aug 2, 2007, 6:58:57 AM UTC

Copy-pasted from deviantART: "My first original character, Tallon Fang. Gods, that name sucks.. >_< I created him back in 6th grade, and had been editing how he looks ever since. I finally settled on this. =]"

6th grade = 8 years ago.

Random facts/timeline thingy: Tallon was created because I used to watch Hercules and Xena (and still do if I find it on TV) which resulted in my obsession with Greek Gods, and the want to create my own half-God (Tallon's a son of Zeus). He was originally called Fulcan (though that didn't last long), had black spiky hair, and wings. I later gave him the bottom half of a tiger, and added the ears and fangs after discovering the anime Inuyasha in 9th grade. Some time later, I ditched the idea of his having tiger legs and kept the tail, only to give him back tiger feet, which I think was also influenced by Inuyasha (Shippo's fox feet). I didn't actually change Tallon's hair until I drew him for the first time in 9th or 10th grade (which coincidentally was in Inuyasha style XD; gotta dig up that drawing sometime..), and made the last minute decision that maybe he'd look better with reddish-brown hair, which he's had ever since. =] Aside from slight changes to his hairstyle and more recently his clothes, the design's pretty much the same...but in my own style, of course. ;)

...damn. Bet that was too much info for your tastes, ne? XD;
I'll upload the colored version next. =)

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