Mysterious Bloom

Closed group | 137 Members

Updates, and the Future!

Howdy y’all! We’re so happy you guys have been enjoying Mysterious Bloom so far. It’s been a blast seeing all the art and writing and characters you guys have been creating, and seeing so many people have fun with it! We’ve got a pretty big update for y’all with some big news as well.


We’ll start off with the unfortunate news;

The group founder and leader, zinnia, is stepping down as head moderator. Zin’s going through a lot of personal things right now, and having Bloom as the focus of their attention isn’t feasible for them. So while they may come back in the future as a leader, for now they’re taking a break! You might still see them around, though!

I (howlonomy) will be stepping up as a mini-leader for this break! However the group WILL be put on a pause; there won’t be any big, huge updates for a while. Things like boss fights will unfortunately have to be put on hold; but you guys won’t be without new things to do! Missions and Dungeons will still be released, albeit slowly, as well as quality of life changes.


So, now for the good news and updates!



We have added a traits page, where you can see all of the traits currently available, including their rarity! It was a little difficult to see them all before, but now they’re all in one convenient page.



Previously, character profiles would be created in arrivals, as they were rolled. This leads to a lot of empty characters and unused profiles, and our mods spend a lot of time making these profiles; it would slow us down a lot. So, we’ve revamped how characters are created!


ARRIVALS/DUNGEON RECRUITS: You will still be able to get your rolls through these ways. But instead of the character being made immediately, screenshot your roll for proof later! Because now characters will be approved through…


THE SALON: Here is where profiles will be made! Once you have a reference image of your character, submit them through the salon along with screenshot proof of your roll; don’t worry, you’ll still get the EXP and Poke bonus for first image submission! Once approved, your new recruit will be added to your profile like before.


Hopefully with this system, we can spend less time on queues, and our character index will look a lot more filled up!



To go along with our character creation update, we also have a new way to get traits, and get rid of any unwanted rolls. The option to submit a pokemon into the crossroads for others to pick up is still a viable option; but now, you may also trade them in for one trait applier they have!

So, if you have a Bidoof with Striped and Fusion, you can trade them in for either Striped or Fusion applier. So now, hopefully this will make it easier for you to get the appliers you want and get rid of any ‘mon that you don’t want! We know not every applier is able to be obtained yet through dungeon rewards, so in the meantime you may get the higher rarity ones through this method!



The shop now contains trait appliers! We’ve only added a few for right now, but appliers are now purchasable in the shop! The Trait Remover item’s price has also been lowered from 100 Poke to 50 Poke. We have also added more craftable items, including more craftable traits! It’s a bit bugged right now, but hopefully should be up and running again soon!



A new 2-star dungeon has appeared, and Victor is ready to take any excited teams to the Geothermal Pools! Watch your steps for exploding geysers, and stick to the dry paths! While beautiful from afar these pools are more dangerous up close, even to the strongest fire-types. There may be some mysterious lights hanging around if you look close enough….



Illumise’s dear husband Volbeat has gotten lost… again. Help find Volbeat before he gets into trouble!


Last order of business, just a quick reminder from the mod team; Please be careful filling out your forms! There have been a good handful of times so far where items have been marked as characters having them despite not having them and vice versa, as well as art being marked as gift art when they’re not. Just double check you filled out everything correctly before submitting; it makes our lives just a little easier :]



We’re working on making a world/lore page, and a few more small things such as more items to collect and our first 3-star dungeon. So for now, here’s our game plan! If you have any more suggestions or quality of life changes ideas, you are always free to tell us in the discord or forums. Thank you all for your input and continuing to take part in Mysterious Bloom!