[ BOARDING PASS ] The Chase: The Chase

Published May 2, 2024, 2:34:23 PM UTC | Last updated May 2, 2024, 2:34:23 PM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

Sybil and Stick run into something awful in a dungeon. 

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Characters in this Chapter

Stick Mysterious Bloom 🧑🏽 #mb40
3063 total points
1150 approved points
Sybil Mysterious Bloom 🧑🏽 #mb41
5079 total points
1150 approved points


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Chapter NaN: The Chase

There was something in the air that made Sybil’s fur stand on end. It was familiar, like their old armor pressing against their skin, cold and sharp. The jungle was alive. 


While the dangerous territories Sybil was used to were often barren with dead trees and rocks that threatened to trip, a dense forest like this one was somethibg they could work with. Sybil knew how to duck, hide, run, fight, and could quickly adapt to an environment like this one. 


Stick could not. 


The poor fusion was tucked into Sybil’s thick neck ruff, shivering against the sleet and cold. Their small 

body struggled to hold in their body heat and Sybil knew soon it would become too dangerous for Stick to be in this dungeon with the weather. 


Mud stuck to Sybil’s hooves as he carefully trudged his way through, sinking a dangerous amount into the dirt he was worried he mistook the ground for quicksand. Back then, Sybil’s fur was cut short and practical for the war; they didn’t have to worry about the mud slowing down their strides, or their hair and neck ruff catching fire or tearing off. They didn’t think they’d ever have to cut it again, but this jungle was fighting against them. 


Ice stuck in large balls to his fur, leaves and vines often getting trapped on his sharp, tall antlers, jerking back Sybil’s head with a surprised grunt. Stick chirped a shaky concern every time, and every time Sybil would huff a confirmation they were ok. 


The Malakhe Guild didn’t even force them to come here. The Guild focused more on the strange phenomena going on in the real world, not dungeons. But Sybil thought it would be worth it to grab supplies here just in case, for their next mission; but was coming to regret that especially. Another nice trip to Breezy Meadow would have been so much better. 


“I don’t think it’s worth it to keep going,” Sybil finally grunted. Their stubborn nature led them deep into the thick forest, the weather making it difficult to see a few inches in front of them, but the Sawsbuck finally had to admit that this trip just wasn’t worth it. “We should turn back, before this gets too dangerous.”


Stick hummed quietly against his neck, nuzzling further into Sybil’s fur. The Sawsbuck could feel the smaller ‘mon shaking so hard Sybil was sure they would catch some kind of illness. 


Sybil froze suddenly. The sleet made it hard to see, hard to hear, hard to focus on anything except it beating against his flank and the mud sticking to their legs. But their war-trained senses could easily take stock of their surrounded, having them on edge enough they could tell that SOMETHING was around them, taking cover in the dense flora and sound of ice hitting bark. 


“Something’s here,” Sybil grumbled, hoping Stick could hear them. They continued forward, pretending like they hadn’t noticed anything. “Keep your head up, Stick, we may need to fight.”


Sybil felt Stick give a shaky nob against his neck. Not a very hopeful response, but one he’ll take. 


The forest seemed endless before them, no break in the foliage and not being able to see past the foggy mist the sleet brings. This was dangerous, but something Sybil was willing to take the risk for. 


“Hold on!” Sybil growled before taking off suddenly, galloping forward and keeping their head down, antlers tearing through vines. 


Something broke through the treeline behind them, roaring and no longer trying to be quiet and stalk them; based off of the branches breaking beneath its weight and how close it sounded behind them, it was large, heavy, and very very fast. It didn’t seem to be tripped up by unfamiliar terrain, mud only slowing it down a little and dodging any reaching roots and low branches. Sybil was at such a disadvantage here, but he’s worked under worse odds. 


Sybil leaped over a fallen log, dirt and mud splashing up around him. Stick yelped and gripped onto his fur, taking a glance behind them. Eyes wide, Stick frantically tapped on Sybil’s neck, pointing behind them frantically. “I know, Stick! I’m trying to solve our problem!”


Cold frosty breaths left Sybil’s mouth as they huffed, straining every part of their body trying to beat the odds. They didn’t normally get so out of breath so quickly, but it seemed the dungeon was working against him in every way. 


Electricity crackled along Sybil’s back. Stick narrowed their eyes, carefully watching whatever it was that was following them with preciseness. Stick growled before unleashing a huge stream of electricity towards it, Sybil hearing a growl of pain but little slowdown from its speed. Stick yelped and gave a disappointed chirp, ducking back into Sybil’s fur. The creature roared. 


“I think you just made it more upset,” Sybil observed, Stick scratching their neck abashedly. 


Sybil thundered through the jungle, huge trees and enormous mushrooms darkening their path. For a moment, Sybil was afraid they would be running forever, until their lungs collapsed and they would lose their life not in war but in a random mystery dungeon to a mysterious enemy. Then the trees broke. 


Light threatened to break through the dark overcast clouds, but instead cast the opening in dreary light gray. But it was the brightest light Sybil had seen all day. 


The train sat in front of them, a few miles ahead, doors open and attendant boredly waiting for returning parties. Sybil, with renewed energy, lowered his head and galloped forward, pushing their old legs to the extreme. 


The animal behind them roared again, making the attendant jump and look up; and immediately yelp and scramble to get inside the train, eyes wide and panicking. 


“Hold it open!” Sybil roared as the attendant moved to close the doors. “Don’t you fucking dare!”


The attendant, paralyzed, shook in their boots as the doors slowly began closing; and Sybil leaped towards the train. The train doors closed right behind him, and Sybil slammed harshly against the other side of the interior. Sybil groaned painfully; something was definitely broken. Stick also yelped and tumbled out of his neck fur, hitting the ground with a wet slap. They stayed face down on the ground, humming tiredly. 


Sybil stood on shaky legs and glared harshly at the attendant that almost left them for dead. They jumped and scrambled away towards the front to let Victor know they were back. 


The Sawsbuck leaned down towards the fusion, nudging Stick with his nose carefully. “Stick? Are you alright?”


They rolled over, tiredly giving Sybil a thumbs up. They were definitely catching a cold, but for now, Sybil would take a thumbs up. 


Sighing, Sybil carefully tucked their legs underneath themselves as the train started chugging along again, ready to take them home. Damn, they were never doing that again. 

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