The Adventures of Team Phantom Orchards: Mission 1 - Help my darling sleep

Published May 2, 2024, 10:24:54 PM UTC | Last updated May 2, 2024, 10:24:54 PM | Total Chapters 2

Story Summary

A Collection of different stories/drabbles involving my Pokemon Mystery Dungeon team when I either don't feel like drawing, or just don't have the time to draw my kiddos!

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Chapter NaN: Mission 1 - Help my darling sleep

The request was urgent, a desperate plea for help from a parent reaching their wits end. The kind of request that tugs at your heartstrings because you can’t help but feel bad for the poor Gallade, after all they were doing their best attempting to raise a young ralts by themself. Fortunately for most Pippin was a bleeding heart eager to shed some kindness in a world too often plagued by misfortune. 

“This is why we always get suckered into doing such menial low-grade missions” The Banette scoffed, glowering behind the rest of the group as they waited for the client to answer the door, “We could be chasing after dangerous outlaws right now, making some real poke instead of acting as some glorified babysitters.”

Watson and Pippin exchanged a glance, even though Motley had been a part of their group for some time now, neither of them had gotten used to his constant complaints. A deep sigh followed suit as Pippin straightened up, putting on a patient smile before turning her attention towards the Banette. “Well then Motley, if you would rather sit this one out Watson and I would be happy to take your share of the reward. Especially since we would be doing all the hard work.” 

She knew better than anyone that Motley had only taken up joining the explorer’s guild for recognition and reward, and when it came to earning poke or treasure Motley would hardly refuse the opportunity for either. The Banette frowned at his captain’s words before he was able to respond the door opened revealing an exhausted looking Gallade carefully cradling a very fussy Ralts in his arms. “Oh, thank Arceus you’re here! Please come inside” he exclaimed before ushering the trio into his abode. A small groan resonated from Motley, but thankfully for everyone involved he didn’t put up much more of a fight. Once the trio, as well as the Ralts were settled the Gallade finally had a moment to sit down and breathe.

“I apologize for the frantic summons, but I won’t sugarcoat this situation. I desperately needed some help” He sighed leaning back into the plush armchair watching as the young team were helping distract and play with Ralts. Pippin perked up ever so slightly at his words, “Mr. Gallade, if you can recall when and where was the last time you saw the- “she cut herself short glancing towards the temporarily pacified psychic type, not wanting to risk sparking a temper tantrum at the mention of their lost plushie. 

“It’s been a couple days now” The Gallade responded, picking up the subtle hint towards the subject at hand. “Last I saw it we were in the marketplace; I believe that would be a good start. We’ve tried to retrace our steps as best as we can, however no such luck.”

Pippin nodded before hopping up from her spot, “Well then, we best get going so you and your little one can get some well-deserved rest!” she exclaimed, “Come now Motley, Watson let’s get going.”

“Uh captain… I think Motley might have found himself in a bit of a predicament” Watson piped up, drawing Pippin’s attention towards the Banette. It seems that the young Ralts had found themselves desperately clinging to Motley’s tail fast asleep. A look of disbelief fell upon Pippin’s face as she stared at the clearly frustrated, and potentially a little uncomfortable Banette. “I-I’m so sorry let me get them” The Gallade spoke slowly getting up from his chair.

“No sir wait, this is a perfect opportunity!” Pippin exclaimed, quickly turning her attention back towards the Gallade. “Watson and I can go look for the doll while Motley monitors little ralts, this way you’re able to get some well-deserved rest. It’s a win-win situation for everyone involved! Come dear Watson we must hurry!” Without waiting for a response, the young Bulbasaur took off with her Espurr partner trailing shortly behind her.

It had been a couple hours before the duo returned carrying a well loved cubchoo plush, from the accounts of the local shopkeepers the young ralts had unknowingly dropped the toy before it was picked up by another young Stunky. It took some clever bargaining before the poison type was willing to forego the adorable little plushie. “Do you really think it was wise leaving Motley to watch ralts?” Watson piped up as they approached the Gallade residence. “Come now Watson, just cause Motley is a big ol’ grouch to us doesn’t mean he’s like that with everyone” she reassured before carefully knocking on the door. 

“Besides, as much as he likes to complain he helped out a bunch even if he doesn’t know it!” she stated before the Gallade answered the door. He looked a little more rested than previously, but still tired though a bright smile took hold of his features at the sight of Watson carefully holding the plushie. “Oh, thank goodness, you three are lifesavers” He sighed ushering them in. 

“Thanks to your friend ralts and I both managed to get a little rest while you found their toy” The Gallade recollected as they entered into the living room where Motley was held up playing with the young psychic type. “Hopefully they’ll be able to sleep through the night again.” Motley perked up when he noticed the rest of his team watching him playing pretend, a frown took hold of his features before he stood up. “Sorry squirt looks like I gotta get going” he murmured before sauntering over to his group, a confused frown took hold of the ralts’ features before their face lit up at the sight of their beloved plushie in Watson’s hands. “I believe this is yours, please make sure you keep better track of it next time!” Watson murmured with a small smile as he handed over the cubchoo plush to the young pokemon.

“Once again thank you very much for everything, you all have been a big help” The gallade smiled at them graciously before picking up ralts once again, now happily sedated with the return of their beloved plush friend.

“Of course Mr. Gallade. Hopefully now you and Ralts can get some well needed rest” Pippin exclaimed with a bright, cheery smile. “We’ll let you enjoy some deserved peace, and please let us know if you need anything else from our team!” The trio waved goodbye to their client before heading back towards the Guild Hall.

“Can we at least make sure the next mission we choose at least pays more if we have to deal with children?” Motley griped as Watson and Pippin rolled their eyes. 


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