April 2024 Releases

Here's a list of updates that came out in April 2024. There were additional updates earlier in the month in separate announcements.

We're Back

Apr 5 Outage


April 11, 2024

PaperDemon.com is back online. Welcome to the v71.0.2 release. This release includes a bug fix to image uploads. Many people were seeing the following error message when uploading certain types of images. This error is now fixed.

imagecreatefrompng(): gd-png: libpng warning: iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile

Change log
6ff693c 🐛 fix (submissions) allow incorrect sRGB profiles


Welcome to the v71.1.0 release.

We have a new ARPG which has joined PaperDemon called Mysterious Bloom. Check them out here!

There is a known bug where custom styles from Mysterious Bloom are persising to other pages of the PaperDemon site. I'm working on fixing the issue.

Change log
d0a2551c 🍱 assets (directory) add mysterious bloom to directory


Welcome to the v71.1.1 release

I'm noticing "Internal server error" somtimes pops up for the Mysterious bloom link. I'm looking into the issue now

Change log
38b8621d 🐛 fix (groups) group css persistence


Welcome to the v71.1.2 release

"Internal server error" bug is now fixed.

Change log
127832cd 🐛 fix (groups) internal server error


April 26, 2024

Website update
We noticed since we did our server upgrades in early April, the site has been loading a little slow. Today I did some optimizations on the database which appear to have fixed the slowness issue. 

If you notice any pages loading slower than before, please provide links and report in ⁠bugs-and-suggestions  and we'll investigate.

Thank you!