Mysterious Bloom

Closed group | 137 Members

Oversized toybox

Choo choo!

☀ Forecast

Indoor conditions

Though technically some kind of art installation, the Oversized Toybox is a playground for both young and old to experience a sense of whimsy. When everything around you is so large that you're comparatively the size of a toy, all kinds of hijinks can ensue!

Activity alerts ⚠

Danger level: Yellow 
Watch for falling blocks!

Potential encounters:

Meowth Meowth
Cubone Cubone
Sentret Sentret
Aipom Aipom
Teddiursa Teddiursa
Phanpy Phanpy
Whismur Whismur
Spoink Spoink
Buneary Buneary
Glameow Glameow
Chingling Chingling
Pansage Pansage
Pansear Pansear
Panpour Panpour
Minccino Minccino
Gothita Gothita
Litleo Litleo
Flabebe Flabebe
Swirlix Swirlix
Yamper Yamper
Milcery Milcery
Pawmi Pawmi
Fidough Fidough
Cleffa Cleffa
Igglybuff Ifflybuff
Eevee Eevee
Pichu Pichu
Snom Snom

Thanks to PokemonDB for providing and hosting these images!

Welcome to the dungeon! Show your mettle against mystery by creating something with your pokemon in a certain environment, with unique optional plot hooks on every visit!

To get started, be sure you have a boarding pass for this dungeon – if you don’t have one, be sure to grab one, as the number and party leader pokemon bound to it are required during submission!

When submitting your work, be sure that it follows the minimum requirements of…
An unshaded fullbody and simple background for 2D artwork
700 words for narrative writing
2 standard-format pages for screenplay/script
6 verses for poetry
A posed model interacting with the environment or another pokemon for 3D artwork

For all mediums, the submission itself should include the pokemon interacting with the dungeon’s environment, or the scenarios detailed in the ticket. The party leader pokemon must be present in the submission, but does not have to be the focus.

When you’re finished, submit your piece to PaperDemon and then submit your entry below!

Leave the EXP points blank for the characters you’re including – and for courtesy towards the queue review staff, paste and fill out the applicable form in the request details text box!


  • Recruit roll based off of your ticket
  • 5 random items from the dungeon’s loot pool
  • 50 additional poke