Bodhi and Jacko racing along the Wildflower Festivals

Posted Apr 6, 2024, 9:30:49 PM UTC

Prompt #2 - Wildflower Festivals


Why walk when you can surf? Bodhi run out of the guild to head to the flower festival to check out the local adventurer, while Jacko run out to try some of it treats. Bodhi offer the little dude if he want a ride but Jacko assure him he has a ride as from his hands, a blast of Fire unlike anything Bodhi ever seen before, almost evil, but that thoughts was quickly drown out by an massive green flame Shark as Jacko got on. 


Bodhi snap out of it, the uncomfortable feeling dealing with a shark make his tail itchy but he got on his board and the two race off down the river, checking out the local stalls along the river banks, save for when Bodhi has to use a strong gust of wind to lift himself over the bridge while Jacko dive under it. They soon arrive at the snack lane, and Jacok jump off as the shark fade, which allow Bodhi to take a sigh of releif and set to shore himself. But with that bit of nonsense over, time for some FUN!

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Jacko PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd2652
137 total points
7 approved points
Bodhi PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd3709
165 total points
7 approved points



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