Itri - Epiales Ride

Posted Mar 31, 2024, 11:21:15 PM UTC

Based the face of the Epiales off of my frog Mochi, because she's the cutest and I love her. (Also orcas but that's less important)

Prompt #3 - Epiales, Leviathans of the Depths
Epiales feature heavily in the lore and myths of the world. The massive creatures are mottled black and white and can grow the length of a five-story building. Their multitude of long, narrow fins can propel them through the water at a surprising speed. In spite of their intimidating size, they are incredibly gentle. Many citizens of the world will hitch rides on passing Epiales for fun. Draw or write your character encountering an Epiale, be creative in your Epiale design! Your piece must feature an ocean, your registered character, and an Epiale

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Itri PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd4665
36 total points
7 approved points



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  • Itri and Kai - Mermaid Buddies!
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  • Aoi and Itri - Late Trash Monster Fight :(
  • Itri - Slime Fight
  • Wynter - Fashion Show
  • Itri - Talismen


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