And... that's a wrap!

Posted Jun 17, 2023, 6:45:27 AM UTC

#68 - Nurse

Show or write about your character taking care of another character who has an injury or an illness.


"Then you wrap it around again, making sure it's secure... just tuck in the flap or tape it down. And there! That is how you wrap a bandage."

"Oh, good! Do I get to try now? Or are we going to do something else? Something fun, like treating a stab wound or removing a-"

(*quickly walking away with the first aid kit*)

"Hey, where are you going?"

"My specialty is bandages. Which is done, so I'm heading out."

(*trying to unwrap Scap's work*) "Well, maybe you could - urgh, let me free first?" (*can't reach the flappy end, now attempting to tear it off with her teeth*)

"... actually, uh, I'm going to see if I can salvage that papercut operation."

"W-what? What do you mean salvage? That guy is fine! And how am I supposed to help if I'm tied up like this?"

(*turning back around, taking Lusabeth by the shoulders and steering her towards one of the beds, firmly sitting her down*) "Sit here and figure out how to undo this, or even better, take a nap. Naps are good for proper brain function and executive decision making. Now. Byee-"

"The great demon Lusabeth does not need to take naps! Get back here! You! Stop! I won't forget this! Once I get free, you're going to wish you hadn't crossed me!"


Scap really hopes he wrapped those bandages up tightly. He would rather not have the fiery wrath of this chaotic little girl (suppose she was who she said she was, then something even more terrifying) following him the rest of his life. But it looks like that might happen. Better to run away before she can apprehend him early, then.

Follow-up piece to I'm helping c: drawn by Ando! Thanks so much for including my boy Scap in Lusabeth's first aid shenanigans :D

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  • Jun 17, 2023, 9:08:34 AM UTC
    I’ll take that nap, but not because you told me too >:T



Scapindex PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 🔥 #pd1073
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5 approved points
Lusabeth PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 #pd1141
149 total points
5 approved points



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