Anonymous Alter

Posted Jun 12, 2023, 9:14:27 PM UTC

#67 - Cosplay

Draw your character cosplaying as someone else's character or as a character from a movie/series/game or write how and why they would do it.


Honestly, if I didn't already know the exact reality Aultiver had picked me up from, I might believe that this guy is my alternate reality self.

I feel him sometimes, though. Can't touch the very person I'm soul-bound to...

His story is kinda... well, no spoilers. But I hope mine ends differently. 


Here's Scap as Gin from "Hotarubi no mori e" (or "Forest of Fireflies"). No, I haven't watched the anime or read the manga. Yes, I did spoil it for myself when doing research. Is that going to stop me from watching it one day? Probably not ;)

Again - I had no idea this movie existed until I searched up "masked characters". They just fit so well design-wise agh--

I do like the design of Gin's shirt. Scap can rock it pretty well. Boy needs to wear short sleeves more often so he's not like an untoasted bread that hasn't seen the light of day in two years...

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Scapindex PaperDemon Art RPG 🧑🏽 🔥 #pd1073
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