Wyvern Wannabe

Posted Jun 12, 2023, 8:51:44 PM UTC

#67 - Cosplay

Draw your character cosplaying as someone else's character or as a character from a movie/series/game or write how and why they would do it.


"Laundry day again, Paiko? Curious choice of wardrobe."

"Found it in the closet. Matches my colors. Sylvander said to try it on."

"Did he give you any candy for it? That's what they do in one of the basic realities."

"He's supposed to give me candy? I've been cheated... Sylvander! Where are you and where is my candy-"


I promise I had no idea what a Noibat was before this prompt. 

I think I searched up "bat pokemon" (because Paiko's ears are impossible to hide, they're his proudest distinguishing features), and then Noibat appeared with almost the exact Paiko color scheme, like how did this just happen parallel-ly without me knowing there's a little flappy Paiko in the Pokemon world already?

Paiko makes a great Noibat though. Noibat evolves into Noivern. Maybe one day, this little drakon will get his wings and take flight... ah, wishful thinking. Drakon have never flown, as far as anyone knows.

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